
Avast unable to scan items
Avast unable to scan items

avast unable to scan items
  1. Avast unable to scan items how to#
  2. Avast unable to scan items install#

So, before you continue to troubleshoot the error " Code 0x3" problem during AVAST Install/Uninstall procedure, use this Malware Scan and Removal Guide to check and remove viruses or/and malicious programs that may be running on your computer. Some viruses or malicious programs can corrupt or modify your system files and settings.

Avast unable to scan items how to#

Important: This tutorial contains detailed instructions on how to uninstall Avast antivirus manually in order to bypass the "Stub cannot run installer/updater executable" problem, during normal Avast uninstall process. Use the below procedure only if you cannot uninstall AVAST Antivirus either by using the normal procedure (program removal from Control Panel's " Programs and Features" / " Add/Remove Programs") or by using the AVAST uninstall utility ( avastclear.exe). The procedure I followed is described below.

Avast unable to scan items install#

Then I tried to download and install AVAST's latest version, but the same error message "the stub cannot run installer/updater executable…" still appeared at the installation's start.Īfter doing all these, I supposed that" The stub cannot run installer/updater executable 'C:\Program files\Avast Software\Avast\setup\Sfx\instup.ex' (code 0x3)" error occurred because AVAST installation was corrupted, so I decided to manually remove AVAST Free Antivirus. On a client's computer, the following error occurred when the user tried to uninstall AVAST Free Antivirus: " The stub cannot run installer/updater executable 'C:\Program files\Avast Software\Avast\setup\Sfx\instup.ex' (code 0x3)".Īt first I tried to uninstall AVAST using Avast's removal utility ( avastclear.exe) but the same error appeared again.

Avast unable to scan items